Project admin

If you have admin access to a project, you can take the following actions:

  • Change project privacy

  • Rename the project

  • Transfer project ownership to another account-project-ownership-to-another-account)

  • Delete the project

To take any of these actions, you can:

  1. Right-click on the canvas

  2. Select Project

  3. Select the action you want to perform

Alternatively, you can:

  1. Select Admin from the sidebar

  2. Select the action you want to perform

Caveats when converting public projects to private

You will only be able to convert a public project to private if you have a paid workspace. To make sure you have a paid workspace, go to the billing settings for your workspace, where you can add your payment information.

If you are on an annual billing plan, you may also need to go to your billing settings to raise your private project limit.

Caveats when transferring projects

To transfer a project into a Pro workspace, you first need to be added as an owner of the Pro workspace (if you created the Pro workspace, you are an owner by default).

If you see an "Unable to transfer project" error after trying to transfer a project, here is how you can troubleshoot:

  1. Ensure that the recipient (the workspace you're transferring to) does not have a project with the same name. If they do have a project with the same name, rename one of the projects, and try transferring again.

  2. If you are transferring a private project, make sure that the recipient has added a credit card in their billing settings, and that they have not met or exceeded their private project limit (annual plans only).

Last updated

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