Color-legend control

When do you use it?

Add a color legend to your map.

Advanced Editor

Build a color-legend manually:

@controls {
  bottom-left {
    color-legend {
      color {
        value: red;
        label: "All the red things";

      color {
        value: blue;
        label: "All the blue things";

Automatically build the color-legend from the element-color value in @settings:

@controls {
  bottom-left {
    color-legend {
      colors: auto;

@settings {
  element-color: categorize("Element type", set2);

Supported properties

  • colors defaults to auto and tries to build the list of colors and labels

Check out our controls reference to see the full list of properties and values recognized by the color legend control.

The color-legend can be customized using nested color blocks which support the following properties:

  • value the color itself ("red" or "#BA462F")

  • label the text to put next to the color

Last updated

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