How do I delete a project, map, or view?

Please note: projects, maps and views cannot be restored once deleted. Before you start: Learn how to create a full project backup

Delete a project

  1. Click on the hamburger menu in the top-left corner of your map to go to your Project Settings.

  2. Click on Admin

  3. Choose "Delete project"

Delete a map

There's two ways to delete a map:

  • Right-click on your map > click on Map > choose "Delete map".

  • Click on the three dots in the top-right corner of the map sidebar to go to Map Settings > choose "Delete map". If your map profile doesn't show, make sure to de-select any items in your map by clicking on a blank space in your map and/or click on the three dots in the center of the left side of your map.

Delete a view

There's two ways to delete a view:

  • Right-click on your map > click on View > choose "Delete view".

  • Click the Settings button on the right side of your map to open the Basic Editor > click on the three dots in the top-right corner for your View Settings > choose "Delete view".

Last updated